Low emission zone Valladolid


Valladolid has an environmental zone: Valladolid LEZ

Name of the environmental zone: Environmental Zone Valladolid ZPA - Spain

Date of entry into effect of the zone: 01-02-2017

Type of environmental zone: LEZ environmental zone, depending on weather conditions, where driving bans and traffic restrictions are activated following the announcement of an early warning stage.

Not allowed to drive (temporarily): If the city council officially declares an air pollution phase, then depending on the stage of an air pollution protocol, a speed limit and its driveways can be determined first. In further prohibition stages, only vehicles that have a Distintivo Ambiental may enter the environmental zone.

Not allowed to drive (permanently): Information currently unavailable

Fines: 90 €

Area/extension of the environmental zone: The zone in the center is limited by: Calle San Quirce, Calle Cardenal Torguemada, Rondilla de Santa Teresa, Calle Gondomar, Calle Chancillerfa, Calle Ramon y Cajal, Calle Cardenal Mendoza, Calle Pedro Barruecos, Calle Alonso Pesquera, Plaza cruz Verde, Calle Labradores, Calle Acibelas, Calle Cadena, Calle Vega, Plaza Espaiia, Calle Miguel fscar, Plaza de Zor.

Contact of the environmental zone and exceptions: Information currently unavailable

Exemptions: Excavator, Disabled vehicle, Fire brigade, Military, Police car, Sweeper, Public bus, Waste collection vehicle and Ambulance

Environmental zone ZPA

If there is a peak in air pollution and the ZPA zone is activated, each affected vehicle requires a valid Spanish environmental sticker (Distintivo-Ambiental) to enter the low emission zone. Otherwise, a fine of 90 euros is to be expected.

You can find out whether a ZPA zone is active and which vignette is affected by the driving ban in our Green-Zones App.

ZPA zones ("zones de protection de l'air") do not apply permanently, but are only active during bad weather and high air pollution. They can cover the areas of entire large municipalities or a specific geographical area. The outlines of each air protection zone are therefore precisely defined in advance.
Since ZPA zones are only valid in the event of a peak in air pollution, the traffic restrictions laid down in a decree only apply if predefined air pollution limits are exceeded. In this case, certain vignette colours are excluded from traffic in order to reduce pollutant emissions. For each air protection zone, recommendations have been drawn up in advance as to which vignette colours should be excluded in the event of severe air pollution. However, in the specific case of air pollution this is always decided by the prefect or mayor of the area.

ZPA zones are only activated temporarily. The size and dimensions of the zone are completely individual. This is determined by the respective prefect, depending on the intensity of air pollution. Therefore there are no special signs for ZPA zones.

In our Green Zones App we have a detailed map of each low emission zone. So you can easily see the boundaries and avoid penalties.

Spain has a total of 7 different environmental zones. These differ in ZBE zones, ZEZ zones and ZPA zones: Barcelona, Madrid, Seville, Valladolid, Valencia

In our Green Zones App we have gathered together all of Europe's environmental zones and presented them clearly.

Good to know...

All current driving bans and further information are available in our Green-Zones App.

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