When paying with advance payment, you transfer the amount from your account within 30 calendar days. Until then your order is reserved for you.
Please don't forget your reference when transferring the money. This is the only way we can assign your payment quickly and easily.
Bank transfers to:
EES European Eco Service GmbH
at the Commerzbank Berlin
IBAN: DE12 1004 0000 0301 5047 00
Reference: You will be informed individually after ordering.
You can pay with VISA or MasterCard credit cards.
During the payment process we need your card number, the date of validity and the check digit of the card. This usually 3-digit number can be found on the back of your credit card.
All data will be transmitted completely encrypted thanks to SSL and HTTPS technology.
Secure payment thanks to extra protection
We support the additional security features Verified by VISA and MasterCard SecureCode. Your cardholder data is protected by additional identity checks. This means that misuse of your card data is virtually impossible. When paying on the Internet, an additional query mask is opened by your bank. Here you will be asked to enter your personal confirmation code. The bank checks this code and approves the transaction
When buying on invoice you have 14 days after receipt of the delivery to pay. So take your time to look at everything and then simply pay by bank transfer.
A German billing address is mandatory for use. For the purchase on invoice we charge a surcharge of 2,95 €.
Please don't forget your reference when transferring the money. This is the only way we can assign your payment quickly and easily.
Bank transfers to:
EES European Eco Service GmbH
at the Commerzbank Berlin
IBAN: DE12 1004 0000 0301 5047 00
Reference: You will be informed individually after ordering.
With PayPal you can pay easily and securely without cash. To use it, all you have to do is enter your bank or credit card details and create a PayPal account. If you already have an account, you can simply log in with your e-mail address and password. After payment you will receive a payment confirmation by e-mail and the order can be processed.