Noise (dB)

Sound is omnipresent. Too much sound is noise and it can have a detrimental effect on our health. In some European countries, noise protection zones are now being introduced to combat the noise caused by traffic even more strongly.

Motorways generate energy

In the search for new ways to generate green energy, motorways are now being targeted. But while people in Germany are still thinking about whether motorways should be covered with photovoltaic systems, for example, concrete steps have already been taken in Switzerland and Turkey.

Berlin soon car-free

The idea of car-free city centres has been heard more and more often in recent years. But apart from a few individual streets, they have not yet been implemented. Although there are cities that have introduced a car-free Sunday, most cities are still far from a permanent ban on cars. If it were up to the initiative for the "Berlin car-free" referendum, the Berlin government coalition of the SPD, the Greens and the Left Party should decide to ban all cars within the S-Bahn ring.