Tag: alternative fuels

6 billion euros for dirty company cars

Dirty company cars are being subsidised too much, complain the Öko-Institut in Freiburg and the think tank Agora Verkehrswende. According to the institutes' calculations, the subsidies paid by German taxpayers for privately used company cars amount to up to six billion euros annually. Since it is mainly fuel-guzzlers with high engine power that are purchased by companies for their employees, this unnecessarily complicates the transport transition.

How zero-emission zones become a success

One of the biggest challenges facing the electrification of transport is the charging infrastructure. Even if more and more drivers opt for an electric model, it will fail in everyday life due to the lack of sockets on the road. One solution is sockets integrated into street lamps. In Berlin, they already wanted to test this by equipping some street lamps with plugs. In London and Arnhem, they are already further along.