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Euro 7 emissions standard: Will Euro 6 vehicles now be banned?

The Euro 7 emissions standard recently adopted by the EU Parliament is a seemingly positive step towards cleaner air. But on closer inspection, the agreement turns out to be a deceptive illusion that offers little more than the current Euro 6 standard.

The stricter emissions regulations originally proposed are no longer included in the final version. The influence of the member states is obvious, as they had proposed significant weakening in September 2023. The result is a Euro 7 standard that does not go beyond the current Euro 6 standard in terms of exhaust emissions.

Although the new regulations on battery life and brake wear are to be welcomed, they can hardly compensate for the lack of stricter emissions standards. This may be a success for the automotive industry, but unfortunately not for the environment and public health.

Residents of cities with low emission zones are particularly affected. Until now, Euro 6 was the limit for the authorisation of vehicles in these zones. With the introduction of the Euro 7 standard, this will change and vehicles with Euro 6 standards will be banned from the environmental zones. This would not only restrict the mobility of many people, but could also lead to financial burdens for those who have to retrofit or replace their vehicles.

In addition, the planned driving bans for Euro 6 vehicles in low emission zones could lead to an increase in traffic in other areas, which in turn could worsen air quality. The introduction of Euro 7 seems to create more problems than it solves.

The proposed 'Environmental Vehicle Passport', which contains information on the environmental characteristics of a vehicle at the time of registration, is certainly a step in the right direction. However, without stricter emission standards, it is just a drop in the ocean. Hopefully, future standards will include stricter regulations on pollutant emissions to ensure a truly clean and healthy future. Will future standards include stricter regulations on pollutant emissions to ensure a truly clean and healthy future?