Low emission zone Hilversum


Hilversum has an environmental zone: Hilversum

What is a Zero Emission Zone (ZEZ)?

ZEZ stands for "Zero Emission Zone", which in German means "Null-Emissions-Zone". A ZEZ is a specific area in a city or region where only zero-emission vehicles are allowed. This means that only electric vehicles, hydrogen vehicles, and other alternative-powered vehicles that emit no pollutants are allowed in these zones.

The introduction of ZEZs is part of an effort to improve air quality in cities and regions and reduce the impact of air pollution on residents' health. By restricting access to these zones by vehicles with high emissions, air quality is improved.

Some cities and regions have already begun implementing ZEZs, while others have planned to do so in the near future. Examples of cities that have planned ZEZs include London, Madrid, and Paris.

It should be noted that the introduction of ZEZs not only improves air quality, but also helps to combat climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It is also a way to support the transportation transition by encouraging the use of electric vehicles and other zero-emission vehicles.

Do I need stickers or registrations?

No. Here you do not need to buy a sticker or apply for registration. You only have to follow the rules of entry.

Our Green-Zones App helps you to avoid penalties.

Unfortunately there are no exact street signs known. Therefore it is difficult to know when you are in the environmental zone.

Our Green-Zones App helps you to avoid penalties.

Good to know...

All current driving bans and further information are available in our Green-Zones App.

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