Tag: low emission zone

Stockholm bans petrol and diesel cars from the city centre from 2025 - a role model for other major cities or an experimental laboratory at the expense of citizens?

The Swedish capital Stockholm has set itself an ambitious goal: From 2025, petrol and diesel cars are to be banned from the city centre. The EU Commission has given the green light for the introduction of a new low emission zone. But is the plan really feasible or just another symbolic political measure by the green-red coalition?

Are night-time environmental zones coming?

The Berlin Green Party recently presented a proposal to equalise the traffic congestion in the capital. The idea is to shift delivery and commercial traffic to the night-time hours. According to Antje Kapek, transport spokesperson for the Greens, this proposal should help to ensure that delivery vehicles, refuse collection, care services and doctors get stuck less in congested and parked-up streets during the day. Low-noise and low-emission lorries could increasingly drive into cities at night and on special routes.

Bicycle instead of car - Paris in transition

A study by a public foundation has shown that more than one in ten journeys in Paris and the surrounding area are made by bicycle. This is a remarkable increase compared to 14 years ago, when less than one in thirty journeys were made by bike. Paris seems to have been endeavouring to change its transport policy for years. With more cycle paths and cycle lanes, fewer car parks and higher parking charges, the city is trying to promote cycling and reduce car traffic. But what does this mean for the existing low emission zone?

Anti-pollution zones for classic cars?

The world of classic cars is always on the move. On the one hand, there is nostalgia and the desire to keep the history of the automotive industry alive. On the other hand, there is the need to adapt to the constantly changing conditions and regulations regarding the environment and sustainability. A recent development in this context is the new "Villes et villages d'accueil des véhicules d'époque" label, which was launched by the French Federation of Historic Vehicles (FFVE). But what exactly is behind this label and what does it mean for the environmental zones?

Almere air pollution: is the environmental zone coming?

The idyllic city of Almere is known for its picturesque landscape and modern architecture. But behind this idyllic façade lies a less pleasant truth: the air quality in Almere is far from healthy standards. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the air in Almere contains up to twice as much nitrogen dioxide as is still considered healthy.

Traffic jams and air quality: are environmental zones in front of schools the solution?

The daily morning car journeys to school, known as parent taxis, are now a widespread phenomenon in German cities. However, this type of school transport not only harbours safety risks, but also impairs the air quality around schools. The German Association of Cities therefore recently called for more room for manoeuvre for cities and municipalities to take action against this practice.