Low emission zone Tivoli


Tivoli has three environmental zones: Tivoli ZTL, Tivoli ZTL Colsereno Sant'Anna, Tivoli ZTL Trevio S. Croce

Name of the environmental zone: Environmental zone Tivoli ZTL - Italy

Date of entry into effect of the zone: 01-01-2005

Type of environmental zone: permanently valid, 01.11.-31.03. Mon-Sat 7:00h - 14:00h and 17:00h- 23:00h, Sun and public holidays 14:00h - 23:00h.
01.04.-31.10. Mon-Sat 7:00h - 14:00h and 17:00h- 2:00h, Sun and public holidays 14:00h - 2:00h

Not allowed to drive (temporarily): Information currently unavailable

Not allowed to drive (permanently): Vehicle class: all

Fines: 25€ - 500€

Area/extension of the environmental zone: The area concerns the historic centre.

Special features: Loading and unloading permitted with permission, daily 8:30h - 12:00h, Mon-Sat 15:30h - 17:00h

Contact of the environmental zone and exceptions: Municipal Police of Tivoli
Tivoli - V. Monte Vescovo 2. Tel. 0774453501 - 0774335095
Villa Adriana - Via di Villa Adriana 180. Tel. 0774453543
Tivoli Terme - V. Don Minzoni 9/a. Tel. 0774453551

Exemptions: Fire brigade, Police car, Residents (registration/application necessary), Doctor (registration/application necessary), Disabled vehicle (registration/application necessary), Public bus, Waste collection vehicle and Ambulance

Name of the environmental zone: Environmental zone Tivoli ZTL Colsereno Sant'Anna - Italy

Date of entry into effect of the zone: 01-01-2005

Type of environmental zone: permanently valid, 0:00h - 24:00h

Not allowed to drive (temporarily): Information currently unavailable

Not allowed to drive (permanently): Vehicle class: all

Fines: 25€ - 500€

Area/extension of the environmental zone: The area concerns the following streets in the historic centre: Via Colsereno, Via di Sant'Anna, Via Colsereno, vicolo dell'Inversata, Via dell'Inversata, Via Due Giugno, Via Vincenzo Pacifici, Piazza Santa Croce, Via del Trevio, Via San Vincenzo, Vicolo del Pilaro, Vicolo degli Orti, Vicolo Sant'Antonio Vicolo del Pilaro

Special features: Loading and unloading permitted with permission, 7:00h - 9:00h, 14:00h - 16:00h und 20:00h - 22:00h

Contact of the environmental zone and exceptions: Municipal Police of Tivoli
Tivoli - V. Monte Vescovo 2. Tel. 0774453501 - 0774335095
Villa Adriana - Via di Villa Adriana 180. Tel. 0774453543
Tivoli Terme - V. Don Minzoni 9/a. Tel. 0774453551

Exemptions: Fire brigade, Police car, Residents (registration/application necessary), Doctor (registration/application necessary), Disabled vehicle (registration/application necessary), Public bus, Waste collection vehicle and Ambulance

Name of the environmental zone: Environmental zone Tivoli ZTL Trevio S. Croce - Italy

Date of entry into effect of the zone: 01-01-2005

Type of environmental zone: permanently valid, 0:00h - 24:00h

Not allowed to drive (temporarily): Information currently unavailable

Not allowed to drive (permanently): Vehicle class: all

Fines: 25€ - 500€

Area/extension of the environmental zone: The area concerns the following streets in the historic centre: Via Ponte Gregoriano (from piazza Rivarola) - Piazza Palatina - Via Palatina - Vicolo dei Palatini - Vicolo dei Granai - Piazza Plebiscito - Via Trevio - Via Colsereno (Via Trevio to Via Inversata) - Via Pacifici - Piazza Garibaldi - Via Boselli - Piazza Trento - Via della Missione (Via Pacifici to Via del Collegio) - Via del Collegio - Via Lione - Via A. Parmegiani - Via M. Planco - Piazza del Governo - Via del Governo - Piazza del Comune - Via Sinferusa - Piazza Sabucci - Vicolo del Melangolo - Via del Gesù - Via I. Missoni - via Domenico Giuliani - vicolo Beccaccini - vicolo del Labirinto - vicolo Torlonia - vicolo Maggi - vicolo Sant'Andrea - via e vicolo San Vincenzo - vicolo degli Orti - vicolo Lolli Lusingano - vicolo del Pilaro - largo Benedetti - piazza Crocchianti

Special features: Loading and unloading permitted with permission, 10:00h - 12:30h und 17:00h - 20:00h

Contact of the environmental zone and exceptions: Municipal Police of Tivoli
Tivoli - V. Monte Vescovo 2. Tel. 0774453501 - 0774335095
Villa Adriana - Via di Villa Adriana 180. Tel. 0774453543
Tivoli Terme - V. Don Minzoni 9/a. Tel. 0774453551

Exemptions: Fire brigade, Police car, Residents (registration/application necessary), Doctor (registration/application necessary), Disabled vehicle (registration/application necessary), Public bus, Waste collection vehicle and Ambulance

What is a traffic restricted zone (ZTL)?

A ZTL (Italian: Zona a Traffico Limitato) is a specific area in a city or region where vehicle access is restricted or limited in order to reduce traffic and emissions. These zones are often established in historic centers of cities or in residential areas to improve the quality of life for residents and reduce noise and exhaust pollution.

In a ZTL, for example, there may be bans on driving certain types of vehicles, such as older diesel vehicles, or restrictions on access at certain times of day. It may also be necessary to have a special permit or parking pass to drive in these zones.

Access to a ZTL is usually controlled via electronic monitoring systems, such as cameras or induction loops. Vehicle owners who violate the rules risk heavy fines.

The introduction of ZTLs has led to a reduction in traffic volumes in many cities.

Good to know...

All current driving bans and further information are available in our Green-Zones App.

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