Diesel driving bans: first money flows
Since the beginning of 2020, the Berlin police have registered a total of 219 violations of the existing ban on diesel driving (older diesel vehicles up to exhaust emission standard EURO 5).
Since the beginning of 2020, the Berlin police have registered a total of 219 violations of the existing ban on diesel driving (older diesel vehicles up to exhaust emission standard EURO 5).
Many Europeans are driving older and older cars, at the expense of the environment. The EU Commission does not like this at all and announces Euronorm 7 as the standard for 2021.
The organisation Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) has drawn up a positive mid-term balance sheet but at the same time is not resting on its laurels.
In 2019, a total of 25 German cities exceeded the EU limit for nitrogen oxide. For the ADAC, however, the matter is clear: there should be no further driving bans.
Pendant une année entière, les données d'un scanner de plaques d'immatriculation ont été stockées dans une base de données municipale sur Internet, facilement accessible à tous.
It hit the car industry like a clap of thunder in autumn 2015: the Diesel scandal, also mockingly called Diesel-Gate.
Even during Corona, the police give little mercy to offenders in environmental zones.
Darmstadt is drawing consequences from the mass violations of the driving bans on two of the city's major traffic axes.
At first it was delayed for months, but now it is happening quickly.
The heads of municipal financial administration will be particularly pleased about this: during nationwide controls in four cities, around 15,000 violations against the imposed driving bans were discovered. The fines issued amount to an estimated total of 1.6 million euros – impressive figures that make you pay attention.