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Tag: motorbike

Big news from Mexico - country's first low emission zone to be created in Guadalajara

The city of Guadalajara in Mexico has announced plans to create its first LEZ (Low Emission Zone). The move is part of the city's efforts to reduce traffic accidents and fatalities, cut greenhouse gas emissions and tackle the climate crisis. The low emission zone will extend around the busy Ramón Corona intersection in the historic city centre. This is the first time such an attempt has been made in Mexico to improve air quality by regulating polluting vehicles in a specific zone.

Biker shock: Lower Saxony bans combustion motorbikes on popular holiday route

A driving ban for combustion motorbikes through the back door - this is how bikers see the new pilot project in Lower Saxony. This is about noise reduction and only affects motorbikes with a stationary noise level of 90 decibels. However, this affects almost all combustion engines. Not only bikers feel cheated, the hotel industry in the area also sees itself jeopardised by the project.