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Tag: DUH

Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH and lobbying): Where do the 1.5 million euros in donations come from?

Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH), a non-profit organisation for environmental protection, also known for environmental zones and diesel driving bans, is being criticised: it refuses to disclose 15 large donations with a total value of over one million euros. The media company Table.Media discovered this in the lobby register of the German Bundestag. But what does this mean for DUH's credibility? What is the actual aim of its work?

More low emission zones and a crackdown on combustion engines? Federal government must act after court judgement

DUH and BUND have been proved right: The German government must take immediate countermeasures in the areas of transport and buildings in order to reduce CO2 emissions in both sectors. The government failed to meet its targets for 2021 and 22. Is there now a threat of more environmental zones and further measures to drastically reduce transport?

Biker shock: Lower Saxony bans combustion motorbikes on popular holiday route

A driving ban for combustion motorbikes through the back door - this is how bikers see the new pilot project in Lower Saxony. This is about noise reduction and only affects motorbikes with a stationary noise level of 90 decibels. However, this affects almost all combustion engines. Not only bikers feel cheated, the hotel industry in the area also sees itself jeopardised by the project.

Grossly negligent! DUH sues Munich over diesel driving ban

The city of Munich is once again facing legal action over the diesel driving ban. Deutsche Umwelthilfe and Verkehrsclub Deutschland have filed a lawsuit with the Bavarian Administrative Court. They call the suspension of the driving bans for Euro 5 a transparent election campaign manoeuvre.

Low emission zones: Driving ban for all Euro 6 diesels?

Not an isolated phenomenon - More than 8 million cars are at least indirectly involved in the use of illegal defeat devices to manipulate exhaust emissions. This is the result of a recent ICCT study that was able to analyse the actual emissions of numerous vehicles on the road. So what does this development in the diesel scandal mean for the car market and for national and international environmental and transport policy? Will we soon see - in Germany and the rest of Europe - extended environmental zones and stricter driving bans for all affected diesel classes?

Emissions scandal: Hard blow for Volkswagen and KBA

In the course of the diesel scandal, both Volkswagen and the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) had been involved in the legal dispute of the German Environmental Aid (DUH) against the defeat devices active in many combustion engines. The Administrative Court in Schleswig has now ruled on the involvement of the Federal Office and the inadmissibility of the retrofits planned by the carmakers. It could be expensive for both sides.

Air pollution in Germany: Time for new limit values?

Often, the currently valid pollution limits are complied with in many German cities, but the health hazard is far from being under control. Is it time to introduce new emission-reducing measures, including stricter limits and environmental zones? This is what the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) and Deutsche Umwelthilfe are calling for.