Introducing 'Green-Zones in 60seconds': Your Ultimate Guide to Low Emission Zones in Europe
Stay informed and avoid hefty fines with our new video channel!
Stay informed and avoid hefty fines with our new video channel!
We are happy to introduce DPT as a new cooperation partner and are more than excited about the collaboration and all the great things to come!
We are proud to introduce DPT as a new cooperation partner and are more than excited about the collaboration and all the great things to come!
In order to reduce truck congestion and evasive traffic on public holidays and during the summer season, driving bans will be applied on both sides of the Brenner Pass. The Tyrolean environmental zone will also remain in force.
Originally, a whole series of new rules and driving restrictions were to come into force in the year that is coming to an end. But the unpredictable pandemic led many municipalities and conurbations to postpone the introduction of an environmental zone or to abandon it altogether because pollution levels had improved. The latter may be directly related to the decreased traffic during the curfews. Nevertheless, we at Green-Zones® show where things are still happening and who will be affected by future driving bans in 2022.
Norway has two environmental zones. From 2025 onwards, the country does not want to allow any new combustion cars. This may not even be necessary, because no internal combustion cars are expected to be added as early as around 2022, if sales of electric cars continue as they have been.
The Green-Zones App helps you to avoid huge fines and to keep track of environmental zones and driving bans. And all this without prior registration. Maybe you want to go on holiday privately, or you have a company that crosses several European countries with vans and trucks. There are many things to consider here: Where are the environmental zones? Is your vehicle affected by the rules? And do you perhaps need a sticker or registration before entering?
Order all stickers and registrations for Europe, for all vehicles at once? Now you can only do that with us: