How much influence does the car lobby have on the EU?
Many Europeans are driving older and older cars, at the expense of the environment. The EU Commission does not like this at all and announces Euronorm 7 as the standard for 2021.
Many Europeans are driving older and older cars, at the expense of the environment. The EU Commission does not like this at all and announces Euronorm 7 as the standard for 2021.
Already in October last year, the European Court of Justice had condemned France for violating the nitrogen oxide limits, but without imposing fines.
France is threatened with a fine in the millions for excessive air pollution.
Düsseldorf, Dortmund, Essen - they all have already set up the so-called eco lanes or at least are firmly in planning. Now the metropolis of Lyon in France is venturing to follow the German "light" diesel driving bans.
Paris was the first French metropolis to introduce a Low Emission Zone (LEZ) to reduce traffic-related air pollution. The Paris LEZ restricts access according to the air quality certificate system.
It sounds like the setting of a science fiction film: car-free city centres, vegetable and fruit gardens on the roofs of residential buildings, streets interspersed with green spaces.
For 25 years now, the air quality index of the “Atmo France” institute has not changed. This index therefore does not take into account certain pollutants or PM2.5, although scientists consider the smaller particles more dangerous than its “big brother” PM10. According to the WHO, pollution due to the particles of PM2.5 should not exceed 10µ/m³ per year on average.
After installing test cameras in the city of Paris, the port city of Marseille is now following the example with a similar project. The aim is to provide better camera controls and even more fines!